Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts: How bad is this really?

Pg.22 Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman, MSW

This…. This quote was me. Okay, it still is me one year later! I just told my therapist not too long ago, “I used to be so confident. I don’t even know who I am anymore.” Becoming a mother changed me forever, and I’m still trying to figure out who I am behind just "Nora’s Mom".

I get jealous seeing other mom’s bounce back to their normal pre-baby life. They go back to their job, they go back to their friends, they smile and laugh. They are the fierce moms who are doing it all. You hear it all the time – working mamma’s killing it in the office, then going home to their sweet babies. You can have it ALL, right? You’re a Mom. You’re fierce - in control of your life and career. You pump during lunch while on a conference call. You wake up at the crack of dawn to workout. You eat your kale salads and homemade smoothies… WTF!? How do I live up to that!? – to this Instagram worthy motherhood.

I’m trying to figure out who I am during this new chapter of my life. I’m trying to gain my confidence back and remind myself that I am smart, I am strong, I am funny. My therapist recommended I start a list of all my value’s. She called it my “value’s inventory”. It’s okay if my values have tweaked since becoming a mother. It’s okay that success may no longer look like a fancy job title with a six-figure salary. Success may look like my daughter learning to walk, saying her first words, sleeping through the night.

Okay, I’m getting emotional writing this now (as tears roll down my face as I type this). You will find yourself again, Mamma. You may not look the same as before – on the inside or out – but you are capable of being happy and confident again. Hang in there.