
#1 Book I'd recommend for new moms! Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts by Karen Kleiman was recommended to me by my therapist. I found it so helpful that I'm writing an entire series on it. You can find all my posts under the Motherhood tab of my blog. #speakthetruth
"It will be okay. Over 90 percent of new mothers have scary, intrusive thoughts about their baby and themselves." - Karen Kleiman

I bought this book for my sister-in-law for her birthday. I stumbled upon it while looking for her a gift at Target. She read it in two days and explained how she couldn't put it down! So, of course, I had to give it a read myself. Maid by Stephanie Land is a true story written about her life as a single mom living off government assistance and a part time job as a cleaning lady.
"Some days, the guilt was so heavy that I couldn't be totally present with Mia. I'd muster reading her books before bed, rocking her gently in the same chair where my mom had read me stories. I'd tell myself that tomorrow would be better; I'd be a better mother." pg. 27

Reshma Saujani is the founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, a national nonprofit organization working to close the gender gap in technology while teaching girls confidence and bravery through coding. She is disrupting the industry by giving girls the opportunity and resources to learn a skill predominately dominated by men. And you know what’s funny, she isn’t a coder… She didn’t even start in the technology industry. She was in law & politics! Brave, Not Perfect gives an honest narrative about gender bias, the perfectionism mentality, the importance of failure, and the need for self-forgiveness and self-love.
“We go from trying to be perfect students and daughters to perfect professionals, perfect girlfriends, perfect wives, and perfect mommies, hitting the marks we’re supposed to and wondering why we’re overwhelmed, frustrated, and unhappy. Something is just missing. We did everything right, so what went wrong?” pg.17